ready function to use to validate strings
.undefined() // Allows `undefined`
.required() // Requires a value
.min(5) // Minimum length is 5
.max(10) // Maximum length is 10
.includes("sub") // Must include 'sub'
.includesAll(["sub1", "sub2"]) // Must include 'sub1' and 'sub2'
.startsWith("prefix") // Must start with 'prefix'
.endsWith("suffix") // Must end with 'suffix'
.matches(/regexp/) // Must match the regular expression
.email() // Must be a valid email
.phone() // Must be a valid phone number
.url() // Must be a valid URL
.date() // Must be a valid date (yyyy-mm-dd)
.time() // Must be a valid time (hh:mm:ss)
.hexColor() // Must be a valid hex color
.creditCard() // Must be a valid credit card number
.htmlTag() // Must be a valid HTML tag
.base64() // Must be a valid base64 string
.alphanumeric() // Must contain only numbers and letters
.numeric() // Must contain only numbers
.alpha() // Must contain only letters
.as<Type>('key') // Ensures the value is equal to the value of the specified 'key' property in the parent object.
// The 'key' must be a valid key of Type.