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Multi-Language Support

Multi-Language Support for Validation Messages

Our validation library supports error messages in multiple languages. you can define to display error messages in the following supported languages:

  • Arabic (ar)
  • English (en)
  • French (fr)


Setting the Default Locale

To configure your validation messages to use a local (ar, en, fr) as default, configure it during the initial setup to be sure all your validator will use this local. Here’s how:

  validatorOptions: {/**/},
  regex: {/**/},
  local: "ar" // Set the default locale to Arabic

Changing the Locale at Runtime

You can change the locale dynamically at runtime using the changeLocal(local) method provided by the m module.

import {v, m} from '@bshg/validation';
// Change the locale to Arabic

Example Usage

Here’s a complete example demonstrating how to configure and change locales for validation messages:

import {v, m} from '@bshg/validation';
// Initial configuration with French as the default locale
  validatorOptions: {/**/},
  regex: {/**/},
  local: "fr" // Set the default locale to French
// Validate some data (error messages will be in French)
const validationResult = v.validator<{ email: string }>({
  items: {email: v.string().required()}
console.log(validationResult); // Outputs error messages in French
// Change the locale to Arabic at runtime
// Validate the same data again (error messages will now be in Arabic)
const validationResultAr = v.validator<{ email: string }>({
  items: {email: v.string().required()}
console.log(validationResultAr); // Outputs error messages in Arabic
// Change the locale to English at runtime
// Validate the same data again (error messages will now be in English)
const validationResultEn = v.validator<{ email: string }>({
  items: {email: v.string().required()}
console.log(validationResultEn); // Outputs error messages in English
Format d'email invalide
صيغة البريد الإلكتروني غير صالحة
Invalid email format

Supported Locales

The library currently supports the following locales:

  • English (en)
  • French (fr)
  • Arabic (ar)

With this feature, you can switch between different languages for your validation messages, making your application more accessible to a wider audience.
Use the configuration and runtime methods provided to customize the validation messages to suit your application's needs.